Optimizing your eyesight through prescription vision correction is very important. The same goes for the detection and management of eye disease for optimal eye health. Yet, one cannot solve all vision problems using these common services. For this reason, vision therapy is crucial, especially for children.
Experts define vision therapy as a series of exercises that improve your vision. This also includes your eye-brain coordination. This is especially true for patients who have reading and learning disabilities. They are non-surgical solutions for common vision issues such as lazy eye. They also help resolve refractive eye issues such as:
Vision therapy greatly reduces or prevents the progression of these eye issues. However, it has more benefits in addition to eye exercises. It also includes behavioral procedures to improve image processing and enhance perception.
Patients who have gone through vision therapy successfully report many benefits. However, the benefits vary for each patient depending on their unique situation.
Proper vision plays a significant role in how kids perform in school. Improved vision helps improve a kid's grades. Good vision means they no longer strain when reading or doing their homework.
Vision therapy for younger patients also improves their quality of life at school. They can confidently take part in any school activities such as sports. Since doing such activities is no longer a hurdle, their grades and social life will improve.
Vision therapy can sometimes feel like physical therapy but for the eyes. Various vision aspects become strong, enhancing your overall eye health. There is a significant correlation between the eye and the brain. As a result, many positive neurological advantages result from this therapy.
Strabismus is where you have difficulty keeping your eyes aligned when reading. Amblyopia occurs when your eyes fail to achieve conventional visual acuity. According to eye doctors, vision therapy has a better chance of treating these issues. This is in comparison to surgery, eyeglasses, and other medical options.
When the eyes fail to work together, people suffer from binocular vision disorder. Its characteristics and symptoms can mimic those of attention deficit disorder (ADD). This can result in misdiagnosing the condition.
When done properly, it can lead to visual improvements when treating binocular dysfunctions. An eye doctor will achieve this by prescribing custom binocular vision therapy sessions.
Vision therapy can help in the following ways:
Helps in addressing certain types of dyslexia.
Improves your child’s outdoor performance. This is through enhancing their speed of vision, hand-eye coordination, and peripheral vision.
Improves your kid’s copying and handwriting skills, as well as their reading ability.
Helps to prevent or control nearsightedness. This is especially true if you suffer from slow change focusing.