It is difficult for parents to discern how well their infants see the world around them. At the same time, it is critical to assess whether a baby has proper eye function or possible visual acuity challenges. Poor eye health can interfere with an infant’s learning ability and mental development. The doctors at Pinnacle Eye Group of Lambertville recommend infancy eye evaluations for newborns through age one.
One of the biggest obstacles in evaluating a baby’s eye health is the fact that infants have poor vision in the early months of life. The brain is still learning how to connect with the eyes, coordinating functions, so the eyes focus properly on objects. By six months of age, your baby should have clearer vision, color and depth perception, and control of eye muscles. This is the time to schedule the first infancy eye evaluation.
An infancy eye evaluation in Lambertville is a more limited exam than that for a toddler. This is necessary because a baby cannot obey instructions or verbalize what they see and feel. However, you might be surprised at how much we can learn from an infant exam. Our doctors can view inside the eye with advanced tools to check for cataracts, tumors or other threats to your child’s eye health. We can also look for proper eye alignment, test how well the pupils respond to light and scan for external issues like drooping eyelids.
As for clarity of vision and normal eye function, Pinnacle Eye Group of Lambertville doctors check visual acuity with a preferential looking test. Babies will naturally gravitate toward something striped over a blank card or object if the child can see clearly. Failure to choose to look at a pattern suggests the possibility of a refractory error. A fixate and follow test can also be used to determine how well the eyes cooperate with one another.